Szigetköz Horgász Egyesület (Fishing club)

Szigetköz Horgász Egyesület (Fishing club)

Győr, Dózsa Gy. rakpart 7.
(+36 96) 312-019

The rivers and river stretches of Győr, the natural and artificial lakes around the city are a real fishing paradise for anglers. The typical fish species are the carp, grass carp, pikeperch, wels catfish, pike and different types of white fish.

To obtain a fishing licence:
Fishing Association of Győr-Moson-Sopron County (Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Horgászszövetség)
9021 Győr, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 13.
Phone: (+36 96) 524-988