1000-1,500 BC At this point, the Hungarians are found to the north of the Ural Mountains and progressively settling south west on the banks of the Middle Volga (present day Russia) where they are semi nomadic horseman.
1st Century AD The Romans subjugate the Celts and occupy Transdanubia which they name Pannonia.
Early 2nd Century Aquincum (the present day Obuda district of Budapest) becomes the capital of lower Pannonia
5th Century At the beginning of the century the Huns occupy positions left by the Romans. Attila unites the tribes in a vast empire before attacking the Eastern Roman Empire. Some Hungarian tribes move southwards and settle near the Black Sea.
9th Century Breaking away from the Khazars, a people of Turkish origin from the lower Volga region. The Hungarian settle between the Don and the Dniestr. A large region situated east of present day Kiev. They name it Etelkoz, meaning "the place between the two rivers. 896 AD Conquest of the Carpatian Basin by prince Arpad and the seven Magyar tribes.