State hospital for heart diseases

State hospital for heart diseases

8231 Balatonfüred Gyógy tér 2.
06 87 584-584

This hospital is the biggest cardiac rehabilitation centre in Hungary with its 427 beds, up-to-date facilities appliances. It is suitable for evaluation of the actual state of the different cardiovascular diseases. At the same time it also gives opportunity to treat the rheumatic complaints of the patients with the aid of physiotherapy, C02-baths, calisthenics etc.

The CO2-bath is one of the best known healing factors in Balatonfüred. The Kossuth-spring and other springs nearby the hospital deliver water containing free and bound C02 iron, magnesium, potassium, hydrocarbonate, calcium, sodium, sulphur and other minerals. The temperature of the spring water is 14-15oC. It is collected into a big basin and piped into the spa-building. Then the C02-rich water is warmed up to 32-34oC and used for treatment.

The Kossuth spring built in 1802. The C02rich water exerts its effect on the autonomic nervous system. The bubbles of C02 gas excite the thermoreceptors of the skin and the C02 absorbed from the water into the connective tissue causes there a reactive hyperaemia. Although the body temperature decreases, the patiens have an isothermal temperature feeling. Thought this effect the C02 bath represents the mildest and oldest form of hibernation, which causes a sedative effect on the autonomic nervous system. The natural C02 bath combined with other up-to-date physiotherapy treatments gives a unique rank to Balatonfüred among the resort places in Europe.

Another advantage of this place is the excellent microclimate. Lake Balaton on one side and a fairly big forest surrounded by nice hills on the other result in a milder winter, an early spring and a longer autumn. The air is clean and the humidity is moderate. These factors cause a curative effect on the cardiac patients.

It is very important to measure the physical capacity of cardiac patients. For this purpose the hospital has the necessary appliances used by well-trained staff. For the security of our patients we have an intensive care unit with 4 beds. Patients with recent myocardial infarction and severe rhythm disturbances are treated here. Not only defibrillators and pulmonary wedge pressure measurements are available, but next to the intensive care unit X-ray pictures could be taken if it is necessary. Besides this we can perform radioisotope cardiac examinations to evaluate of the haemodynamic status of the severely ill patients. Every kind of radioisotope determination, including exercise stress testing is performed in our isotope laboratory. 2-dimensional and colour echocardiographs help the doctors make the correct diagnosis of cardiac diseases.

For special conduction and rhythm disturbances we perform electrophysiological examinations to find the most appropriate treatment. Additional 24-hour ECG monitoring can also have an essential value in cases like this. Pacemaker implantation is one of the specialities of the hospital. We receive patients from the whole region to consider the necessity of pacemaker therapy, and to perform the implantation. After that we do regular follow-up examinations, too. We also implant special types of pacemakers (e.g. defibrillator, biventricular systems). In the electrophysiological laboratory a wide range of supraventricular tachycardia can be definively treated by radiofrequency ablation. After a few years of development we are we now able to perform the up-to-date intracoronary interventions in high wolume. There are two operating rooms in which the diagnostic coronary angiographics, the intracoronary pressure measuring procedures and the coronary dilatation interventions (balloon dilatation, stent implantation) are done. Our haemodynamic team can receive patients with acute myocardial infarction continuously to open the occluded coronary so that the myocardial damage could be considerably reduced. Intracoronary ultrasound examination (IVUS) is also available.

A small swimming pool is available for recreation and special physical training. The training is supervised by skilled physical therapeutists. Inside the hospital there are special rooms for patients from abroad. At the beginning of 2006 one bedroom with bathroom costs 70 EUR/day. The rooms have colour TV, air-conditioning, refrigerator and beautiful view to Lake Balaton. Cheaper rooms without bathroom are also available. Visit us enjoy the treatment and staying in our hospital!