Átrium Restaurant

Átrium Restaurant

4026 Debrecen, Hunyadi utca 1-3
+36 (52) 506610
+36 (52) 506601

Being an excellent location for public events, this restaurant with its total capacity of nearly 200 people offers the gastronomic specialties of the Hungarian and international cuisine, including seasonal and reform dishes, dietary meals. We can guarantee both for the hotel guests and the townspeople, as well as for those visiting Debrecen to have particular gastronomic experiences the real enjoyments of “the pleasures of the white table”. Our gold-class chefs and their teams have extensive knowledge on culinary trends and proper international experience, thus their unique menus perfectly represent the catering profile of the hotel. Apart from buffet meals, guests and also visitors wishing to have some special gastronomic adventures are attracted by a wide selection of a la carte dishes.