The history of the Miskolc National Theatre
The citizens of Miskolc always had an appreciation for the theatre and cared deeply about the Hungarian dramatic art. Déryné and her company conquered the city with performances in the old coach house of the Korona Inn, later on the temporary stage next to the Sötétkapu that the citizens worried when the company went on tour: will the actors come back? This fear gave the construction of a theatre the last boost it needed: "... Miskoltzon, mint Magyar Nyelven beszéllő... vidék közepén fekvő népes mező városban, állandó játékszínt építeni és ki is nyitni akarunk" (“ … in the Hungarian speaking Miskolc, … in the market-town situated in the middle of the country-side, we want to build and open a theatre” - Old Hungarian Citation) – County of Borsod let the resident council know its will.