Papa Joe

Papa Joe's Steakhouse

9400 Sopron, Várkerület 108.
+36 99 340-933
+36 99 340-089

A long time ago, when the first cowboys of the prairie gathered around the fire and grilled their first cuts from the loin, they wouldn’t have guessed, that one day their steak would become one of the most exquisite meals of the world. Today’s real steaks are grilled on wood embers and can be from chicken, veal or lamb, but the original steak still comes from the loin. To prevent the meat from shrinking in the heat of the fire, our master chef prepares a special marinade, of which the ingredients are his well-kept secret. One thing we can tell for sure is that in this golden marinade, the meat becomes one with the unique taste of a mixture of our best spices, before it gets passed on to our grill chef, who grills it above resin free and therefore smokeless hardwood right the way you ordered.
These aromatic and extraordinary meals are prepared for all our guests to see. Also well worth mentioning at this point is that a steak without a good whisky is like eating bread without butter. For this reason we have over one hundred different kinds of whisky to offer you. And not to be forgotten is our good Hungarian pálinka and red wine selection.