The naturalbeauty of theTisza-tó (Lake Tisza) hasmany lovers. Hikersraveabout thepeacefulnessof the lakeandthe uniquebirdand plant life. Fishermen report a lot abouttheirvariedexperience.In orderto know this paradiseproperly you have to visit it witha paddleboat or amotorboat.
Ourharbor is locatedin one of the bestparts ofLake TiszainTiszaörvény, betweenriver kilometers426 and427 onthe left bank. It'seasy to reach on thehighway33from directionTiszafüredtoTiszaörvényaround2 km.Beyond the usualharborservices we offerboattrips, guided fishingtours, rental of paddleboats, fireplaces, etc.Nearby there arerestaurants, shops for foodandfishing supplies,horse ridingplaces.