Hiking in Nagykörű

Hiking in Nagykörű

5065 Nagykörű, Kossuth tér 1
2000-3000 HUF/h
+36 (56) 494351

1. Discovering the biosphere of Tóalja: village - beach - ferry - Anyita - church (4 km, 3 hours)

2. Discovering the biosphere of the willow: barrier - willow - Karádi - grass - Lóger - back to village (5 km, 3 hours)

3. Tour around Anyita: on Tóalja-Dúdor-Kis barrier back to the bank - village (10 km, 6 hours) – optional barbecue in the  Dúdor

4. Yurt camp (in cooperation with Balogh Péter): horse riding, archery, traditional lifestyle, discovering the biosphere of Karádi-grass, collecting herbs, barbecue (6-8 hours programme), optional: sleeping in yurts up to 15 people!

5. Teambuilding for adults

6. Teambuilding for children