Dubniczay-house - László Károly Collection

Dubniczay-house - László Károly Collection

8200 Veszprém, Vár utca 29.
(+36) 88/425-204
1 November - 30 April: every day 10 am - 5 pm, day of rest: Monday 1 May - 31Oktober: every day 10 am - 6 pm, day of rest: Monday
(+36) 88/420-867

László Károly Collection and the special Brick Collection is situated in the Dubniczay Palace.
On the right Dubniczay House creates a borderline between Vár utca and Szentháromság tér (Holy Trinity Square). On its frontispiece with symmetric windows and tympanum two angels are holding the picture of the Mother of Good Advice. There is a huge 16th century stone arched cellar under the courtyard. During the excavations the traces of a stable, castle wall, canon bastion and casamate were found. The Brick Collection of the Hungarian Construction Museum can be found in this house. The building is under reconstruction after which it will be given a new function: the collection of the Basel-based art collector Károly László will open in autumn 2006 and the Brick Collection of the Hungarian Construction Museum will also find a new, more becoming environment here.