Hair Implants

Hair Implants

Under the term hair transplant we mean the transplantation of hair from one area to another, hair bulbs and the tiny skin areas containing hairs are transplanted. The micrograft hair transplantation method is currently the fastest and most definitive solution to baldness available on the market. Natural results are achieved by transplanting the patient's own hair, which grows to be strong and healthy, and can be cut like the rest of the hair without producing any rejection whatsoever.

During the hair transplant, plastic surgeons first cut a thin stripe of your nape, then the margin of the lesions are stitched, thus just a thin scar will remain, which will disappear as hair will grow over it later. The thin stripe of nape, which contains about 500-1500 hair bulbs, under a magnifying glass is divided into skin pieces containing 1-4 hair bulbs. In the next phase of hair transplantation the area of replantation is prepared, with a scalpel or laser tiny holes are made, here the skin pieces will go. On the frontal areas of head skin fewer, while on the top of head areas more hair bulb skin pieces are planted, and these are stuck to the prepared holes by the fibers generated from blood, thus no stitches are needed, and during the healing process no scarring will appear. Occasionally 500-200 hair skin pieces are planted at once; to appear more natural these are planted sparsely.

After the hair restoration, the method of hair growing and direction will be natural. Usually 80-90 percent of planted hair bulbs stay in their final place, the replanted hairs from the nape are not in danger of further balding. The planted hair bulbs regenerate in about 2-3 months, their growth is about one centimeter in one month. To reach the preferred state several surgeries may be needed, but at least half a year must pass between surgeries. During the hair transplant only the hair of the patient can be used, no other persons’ hair may be applied.

The duration of hair transplantation depending on the area containing hair bulbs and the size of the region where they will go may take from three to five hours, and the surgery is done under local anesthesia. The surgery does not go with serious pain, but some tension can be felt in the area of the nape where a thin cut was made, but it disappears completely after some time. The planted hair bulbs are protected for a few days with a turban bandage, the earliest hair washing can be done a week after the surgery, and in the next two weeks a cautious daily wash is recommended. After this, the hair can be washed, painted and cut like before the surgery.  hair transplant clinic - hairpalace