Youth, lunacy says the saying. A person in it’s youth sometimes does things, which he or she later regrets with a more experienced and mature head. A tattoo belongs to this group, since as the years go some humans would like to get rid of it, as the skin is not so young and flexible as before, but a cause can also be a tattooed name or a ruined illustration.
Tattoo is nothing else but injected pigments under the skin, between the permanent bottom layer and the surface layer which is constantly dying off and being replaced by fresh skin cells, but since the pigments are bigger than skin cells thus the organism can not eliminate those, and so the “seam” stays until the end of our lives.
However nowadays the most modern laser techniques are used for tattoo removal, thus any kind of shape and form tattoo can be removed without any scarring. Lasers work by emitting a specialized light that is passed through the skin and preferentially absorbed by its target, be it an unwanted hair, vein, or in this case, the unwanted pigment (either natural - melanin or tattoo inks) in the skin. The laser causes the pigments to break up and disappear, leaving you with smooth, clear skin. In the first treatment, the laser will remove the pigments located in the upper layer, and the result of the treatment will be seen in about three weeks after the procedure. After this a deeper layer is aimed, and for this procedure it is needed to wait three weeks after the first treatment. The laser treatment is repeated until all the pigments disappear, and for this six-eight treatments are advised, depending on the amount of pigments in the skin, the quality and how deep were they inserted. The procedure can be of course used for partial removal of the tattoo, so it can also be used to fix the ruined illustration.
With the help of the laser technique any color tattoo can be “erased” easily from any part of the body without any scars remaining. It is not a debate that the procedure is not completely pain-free, but does not cause as much trauma as having a tattoo itself. The tattoo removal does not depend on any season, tanning and going to solarium does not matter, the procedure can be done in summer and it does not require post-treatments.